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Want to help us make a difference?

Thanks for taking the time to visit our site. If you'd like to go a step further and get involved, we'd love to hear from you. Whether you would like to contribute your time, as a general Member, or your expertise, as a member of our Board of Directors, or even if you'd rather make a financial contribution, we'd love to hear from you!

Membership is open to tenants and prospective tenants of the Association, as well as to members of the public who support and wish to help achieve the objectives of the Association. Members are expected to actively participate in the activities of the Association, including membership of the Executive Committee.

CHA is a non-profit organisation with charitable status. All of our Members are volunteers. Donations are always welcome and can really make a positive impact on the work we can do.

General Membership Criteria: 

  • Be a tenant or prospective tenant of Carbery Housing Association, or/and 

  • Be resident in the areas covered by the Association, or/and

  • Support the Aims and Objectives of Carbery Housing Association, or/and

  • Contribute to discussions and activities developed by the Association.


CHA has a 2-tier Membership system, Associate Membership and Full Membership.

There are 3 different Membership actions available here on the site:

1. Associate Membership:

Anyone can become an Associate Member or renew your annual Associate Membership by making an online donation of any size and completing the online form.


Associate Members will receive the CHA newsletter, informing them of relevant news and events. Associate Members are invited to attend public meetings but do not have voting rights.

1. Complete the digital CHA Associate Membership application form

2. Full Membership:

Full Members must be proposed and seconded by existing members of the Executive Committee. Full Members must pay the appropriate fee, detailed below. All Full Membership applications and renewals are subject to approval by the Association.

New Full Membership applications must be made using the Word version of the application form, signed and returned in person or by post to CHA.

2. Download the Word version of the Full Membership form

3. Renew an Existing Full Membership online.

3. Renew Existing Full Membership online

An annual membership fee is payable yearly by Full Members and will cover you for the calendar year, regardless of which month it is paid.


Full Membership Fees for 2023:

Unemployed/unwaged:          15 Euro per year

Employed/Self-Employed:      20 Euro per year

Organisations:                        55 Euro per year 

If you would like to pay online for Full Membership, please click the button above and enter the appropriate amount when prompted. PayPal will open in a new tab. If you are applying for the first time, please do not pay until your membership has been approved. The Executive Committee reserves the right to refuse membership.

Carbery Housing Association is a registered non-profit company approved by the Department of Environment and Local Government for the development and provision of social housing. CHA intends to operate throughout County Cork. 


The core objectives of Carbery Housing Association are: 

  • The development of affordable rented homes for persons on the Council housing list and others in housing need, 

  • The development of low-cost ownership and shared-ownership homes for households not able to purchase commercially; 

  • The provision of housing management, maintenance and other forms of social support where needed. 

  • The development of complementary community facilities and workspace. 

  • Setting up of training and employment in construction, particularly for young people, based on the Association’s building, management and community development activities.


Carbery Housing Association is a voluntary initiative by the local community. It therefore receives no statutory or core funding for its activities. The only exception was Start Up Grant from the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government. Carbery Housing Association received € 38,000 start up grant over a four-year period from the Department, from 2002 to 2005. Apart from this, Carbery has been funded to date by the European Projects it has participated in, and by private fund-raising by its members. 


At present Carbery Housing Association has two main Fund raising Initiatives:

Tax-deductible Charitable Giving

As a non-profit company with Charitable Status, donations to Carbery Housing Association from individuals and companies can be declared as tax-deductible at the appropriate percentage rate by companies and individuals. 

Charitable giving offers many benefits to the community and the donor. The Irish tax system contains a range of incentives aimed at facilitating and encouraging charitable giving by individuals and companies, which help to ensure that charities receive the maximum benefit from public and private donations. 

Many individuals and companies are unaware of these incentives as the most efficient and beneficial methods of charitable giving. This can result in the incentives being underused, effectively denying Irish charities valuable resources to fund their work.  

Carbery Housing Association has produced guidelines to give an overview of the range of tax incentives available in Ireland and in doing so to assist the promotion of charitable giving. 


For Charitable Giving Guide, click here.

Fundraising Events

CHA also occasionally organises fund-raising events. In the past we have organised youth concerts, race nights, and traditional music gigs. We always welcome offers from bands or other supporters to organise events.


CHA was set up in 2001, on the initiative of local residents in Baltimore, a fishing village in West Cork where holiday home development was pushing house prices out of the reach of local people.


T: 028 21890

M: 086 8224429


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Carbery Housing Association CLG is a Company Limited by Guarantee (No.  348217) | Charitable Registration No. CHY 14620

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